Pracsis continues to drive conversations about energy efficiency financing across Europe

Pracsis recently organized another round of conferences across Europe for the Sustainable Energy Investment Forums, a program by the European Commission that it has been involved with for the past six years. The events took place in Austria; Belgium, Estonia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and will continue this year in Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, and Dublin. These conferences aim to enhance funding for energy efficiency projects within EU member states.

Working collaboratively with respective ministries, Pracsis facilitated discussions to improve energy efficiency financing. The roundtables promoted constructive dialogues, uncovering common goals and potential policy improvements within each country.

Pracsis managed event logistics, bringing together project developers, government officials, and finance sector representatives. By combining both in-person and virtual participation, these conferences provided a platform for diverse perspectives to contribute to the cause.

Through these collective efforts, Pracsis and the European Commission strive to advance energy efficiency financing throughout the EU.

Pracsis continues to uphold its event sustainability standards in accordance with ISO guidelines, reinforcing its dedication to fostering meaningful discussions while treading lightly on the environment.


Pracsis selected to organize events for European Investment Bank's ELENA program across EU