PRACSIS will be running the BUILD UP initiative for the next four years. After a very successful first phase, PRACSIS has again won the contract for the management of this European Commission flagship initiative for energy efficient buildings.

The interactive BUILD UP web portal is a strong component of the EU strategy towards more energy efficient buildings. Reducing energy consumption in buildings is key to achieving EU climate and energy targets. BUILD UP connects building professionals, local authorities and citizens and sets a platform for sharing knowledge and know-how around energy efficiency in the construction sector.

As consortium leader PRACSIS is responsible for the overall project management and for designing and coordinating the implementation of a new marketing and communications strategy that takes BUILD UP a step further. PRACSIS objective is to continuously increase the visibility and recognition of BUILD UP as the European portal for energy solutions in buildings.

With the objective to expand and keep raising engagement with and within BUILD UP’s community PRACSIS is in the process of designing a new web portal that is adapted to the latest evolutions of interactive web design and IT. PRACSIS will also be responsible for media relations and for maximising the impact of BUILD UP events.

PRACSIS social media marketers will have an important role to play in promoting BUILD UP’s revamp.  In the changing landscape of communications, digital strategies are at the core of success.

Join BUILD UP now on BUILDUP.EU and find resources, post your materials, and share knowledge on Europe’s portal for the buildings of tomorrow.


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