CASP 2021 comes to an exciting end

Pracsis organized the closing event for the European Commission’s CASP 2021 project on 23 June in Brussels.

The event presented the conclusions and results of product testing campaigns performed by market surveillance authorities (MSAs) and testing centers across Europe over the past year.

It was the largest physical gathering of CASP stakeholders—MSAs, consumer safety experts, and Commission officials—since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event had an online audience too—around 100 people—who were invited to participate through online polls and quizzes, the live results of which were declared through a leaderboard.

A series of awards were presented to member state MSAs that showed outstanding commitment to the CASP project.

Pracsis handled all the practical organization of the event, from registration and catering, to A/V and branding.

The event was also audited as part of Pracsis’s ongoing ISO 20121 certification for sustainable events. As usual, Pracsis took care to manage the event’s social, economic, and environmental impact, from the selection of the venue itself (a Green Key hotel) to encouraging use of public transport.


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